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Heather receives Queen’s Commission

Congratulations to Heather Wright from Corby Technical School who has received a Commission from the Queen, conferring on her the rank of 2nd Lieutenant in our Trust Combined Cadet Force.

Heather, who has been part of our CCF team for three years, underwent a week long instructors training course at CTC Frimley Park as part of the process.

She said: ‘The first day was the assault course and I ended up injuring my ribs pretty badly but I am quite stubborn so I kept going! We also did weapons training and went on to 100m and 200m ranges. Other aspects were teaching drill, an overnight camp and training ‘recruits’ in different scenarios.

'I love doing CCF as it is very hands on and, as a former mechanic for 26 years, things like stripping down the rifle was easy! The CCF teaches students so many skills and they learn how to take control of situations really quickly. When I run the first aid courses I teach them how to bandage and do CPR. Then, at the end, I do a mass casualty exercise so they can direct people and it gives them more confidence and life skills.

‘Working with the CCF has also helped me to develop and the team is really supportive and encouraging, helping me to do learn new skills myself. I was absolutely delighted to receive my Commission which will be framed and displayed with pride!’


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