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Head of School Nicola Treacy will drive up outcomes and ‘make every lesson count’ at CBA

Nicola Treacy, one of the two newly appointed Heads of School at Corby Business Academy, is clear that providing the very best education and outcomes for students is at the heart of her new role.

Nicola has a wide-ranging skill set and previous senior leadership experience. She joined the Academy in January 2018 as Senior Vice Principal and Raising Standards Leader and her remit will be to continue to improve outcomes by analysing data, making sure that students get the best possible teaching and learning. She will be working closely with Secondary Executive Principal, Anne Hill, and joint Head of School, Simon Underwood, to effect rapid change and improvement:

‘It is making every minute of every lesson count, ensuring that every child in every classroom is challenged on a lesson by lesson basis and by ensuring that, right from day one in Year 7, we are providing our students with a high class of education.

‘I will be triangulating data with exactly what is going on in the classroom, liaising with middle leaders and making sure that we are supporting our new staff to flourish in a new environment as well as providing our existing staff with any additional training they may need. There are a large number of dedicated staff at CBA who are willing to regularly go “above and beyond” for the benefit of our students.’

Nicola is a Science specialist and moved to Corby Business Academy from previous leadership roles at Higham Ferrers and Peterborough: ‘I am a big advocate of senior leaders modelling what they expect from members of staff so I will continue to teach some Year 11 students.  

‘I have been really fortunate in being surrounded by some fantastic senior leaders and excellent practitioners in my career to date and I am delighted to be working alongside Simon and Anne in order to make rapid progress for the students at CBA. Both have a wealth of experience and skills from a variety of previous schools and together we can make a real difference. I am rooted in a moral responsibility to provide an excellent educational experience for all students in my care and I will do what is necessary in order to build a school community that all stakeholders are proud to be a part of. A former student recently described me as strong willed, always having the best intentions for students at heart.

‘On a personal level it is a huge career opportunity and it will be an equally huge learning curve but we have ambitious goals that we want to achieve for next year in terms of GCSE and A Level and those benchmarks are set.

‘I am absolutely child-focused and I base my day-to-day working on “would I want this for my child?”. If it is not good enough for my child it is not good enough for anybody’s child. We have really great students at CBA who I have loved working with and getting to know as individuals since I started at the school in January. Each one of them has something really great to offer, they need to be provided with the opportunities to grow as confident and caring young people motivated to do their best every day.’

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