Corby Technical School to launch Industry Breakfasts

Entrepreneurs and business leaders will be invited to start off their day with breakfast at Corby Technical School.
In the New Year CTS will launch their first ever Industry Breakfasts to strengthen links with the business community.
The project is being co-ordinated by Design and Technology teacher Nigel Barrett.
He said: “I think this is a really innovative project. Many schools are busy looking inward but here we are trying to look outward – that’s our ethos.
“We’re trying to immerse ourselves in the community and we want to forge even stronger links with the business community.
“It would be great to welcome businesses to our school for our Industry Breakfasts. It would be wonderful if the links we’re forging now lead to jobs for our students or help them to get the skills they need for the careers they want to pursue.
“Businesses can also ask our students to help them solve challenges that they are facing. It would be great for our students to have real life challenges to work on.”
Any parents who have industry contacts who would like to find out more about the initiative can contact Mr Barrett at