‘Ambition For All’ at TCA
A packed programme of inspirational and thought-provoking events will be running throughout November when Thomas Clarkson Academy becomes the torchbearer for our Ambition For All campaign.
Each month, a different school within the Trust takes on the Ambition For All mantle, organising a series of activities aimed at encouraging students to think about their futures and developing the characteristics needed to achieve their ambitions.
At TCA, students will benefit from a whole host of exciting activities, including:
• Tim Peake’s spacecraft and space descent experience on the Samsung VR tour bus
Students will be transported to space through an immersive virtual reality lounge, where they can experience Tim Peake’s 400km journey through space through a specially curated virtual reality experience.
• Talk by Ricky Munday
Ricky, who is a mountaineer and polar ambassador, with be visiting TCA to deliver inspirational talks to our students. He will also include hands-on sessions where students get to see some of his specialist polar expedition equipment.
• TCA Careers Fair
Students will have the opportunity to meet representatives from a range of career, HE and apprenticeship providers.
• PiXL ‘Getting Into Top Universities’ trip
A selection of students will take part in workshops and seminars about securing places at top universities.
• Year 12 - WorldSkills UK LIVE
The UK’s largest skills, apprenticeships and careers event in Birmingham includes more than 200 national employers and training organisations who will be on on hand to engage with students.
• Year 10 trip to Anglia Ruskin University and the University of Cambridge
Students will compare what’s on offer at each university and look at the opportunities available through higher education.
• Ambition flags
All students will produce their own ambition flag as a result of tutor time discussions. The flags will be displayed in an open area of school to raise the profile of Ambition For All within the school community.
The Ambition For All campaign is a single focus on improving academic outcomes and opportunities for character development in all the Trust’s schools.
Each school has signed a pledge to embrace the spirit of the campaign, which includes a promise to “care enough and to challenge enough so we can say, with honesty and pride, that every child is helped to become the best they can be, regardless of their circumstance or starting point”.
Click here to read more about our Ambition For All campaign which is running across our Trust schools this year.