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December 2021

  • An honest guide to finding your feet in the first few years of teaching

    Published 17/12/21, by Admin

    I opened this document 2 weeks ago and writing the title above was about as far as I got. It’s now 4 P.M on a Tuesday afternoon and after a fortnight spent procrastinating on how to put all of this together I think now might be a good time. That being said I’ve promised to treat my self to an hour of marking at 5 P.M so let’s hope things go well this next hour otherwise this could be a rather short read.

    Finding your feet in the first few years of teaching seems a strange concept to offer advice on. I’ve been asking myself “is it even possible to ever truly find your feet in teaching?”. Just when you think you have nailed it, something new gets thrown into the mix, and you can find yourself back to square one again.

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  • 'Is it choosing time yet?'

    Published 07/12/21, by Admin

    When I started teaching in Reception at Oakley Vale Primary in April 2021, this question was commonly asked in the middle of a lesson. I was told that the previous teacher had banned the question completely. I understood, as it was disheartening to notice that children were thinking about playing instead of engaging with what they were supposed to be learning. However, when so many children were asking, I wondered what they were really telling us. I also questioned what it could do to their well-being if I continued to ban it.

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  • Reading for Pleasure

    Published 02/12/21, by Admin

    When thinking about my love of books, I am compelled to draw upon a comparison to magnets. Magnets, I hear you say? Let me explain…

    I would say my hands (led by my heart and head) are the North pole and books are the South pole. Whenever I am around books, I am instantly pulled in their direction! Whether it’s walking into a library, a bookshop, going to a car boot (to name, but a few), I will immediately be pulled to books. I have even been known to completely ignore my friends when I am in the presence of a well-organised bookshelf.

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