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September 2022

  • Mrs Lee sum, latine magister sum!

    Published 27/09/22, by Admin

    Mrs Lee sum, latine magister sum!

    A normal day in October, a cool breeze and hazy sunshine - today was going to be a good day!

    I was greeted by my Principal, Mrs Kendal and Assistant Vice-Principal, both smiling with an over enthusiastic ‘good morning, have you got a minute?!’ I immediately wracked my brain - oh no! What did I do or not do? Was it too late to feign illness or injury?

    It started well - much praise for my contribution to school life and my work ethic, my love for academia and a challenge was mentioned. Then, came the reason for the impromptu meeting ‘How do you feel about Latin?’

    Having been educated by Nuns, this was the image that came to mind instantly ... I explained that I had studied some Latin at school for religious reasons but had enjoyed the classics. This went down well with the Principal and the AVP. I was going to teach Latin for the rest of the school year to KS2.

    I shadowed the Latin lead for a couple of weeks until she departed to pastures new, buried myself in books and on-line Latin courses. I was in the full throws of ‘geekdom’. I found the whole language compelling, the origins and etymology of words, the mythological creatures and the morals behind the stories. I couldn’t wait to share this with the children!

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