Great Ofsted for Gretton Primary Academy
Gretton Primary Academy has outstanding leadership, early years provision and personal development behaviour and welfare according to its latest Ofsted report. The school achieved ‘Outstanding’ in three key categories and ‘Good’ in a further two, with the overall judgement being ‘Good.’
The leadership and management of the school was praised.
Principal Jane MacDonald is an ‘outstanding leader … She is relentless in addressing areas for improvement and knows precisely what needs to be done to secure further improvement.’
She is supported by a ‘resolute and knowledgeable’ senior and middle leadership team and the Governing body is ‘a strength of the school. It demonstrates the same ambition and determination as senior leaders to ensure that the school continues to improve.’
Inspectors said that early years learning is ‘focussed and planned precisely to meet the needs of every child.’ In KS2 in grammar, punctuation and spelling ‘pupils’ outcomes are significantly above the national average.’
The curriculum was noted for being ‘broad and balanced’ with many visits and visitors linking to the subjects studied. The learning environment is ‘bright and well ordered’ and ‘many pupils achieve standards securely above those expected for their age in mathematics, reading and writing’ and all students make at least good progress, with those in the early years making ‘outstanding progress from their starting points.’
The report said that ‘teachers know their pupils very well and, as a result, they plan learning that accurately targets the next steps.’ Teaching is at least good and is ‘improving rapidly across the school. As a result, an increasing proportion of teaching is outstanding.’
Inspectors noted that ‘Pupils find real pleasure in writing and reading … In mathematics pupils are gaining a sound understanding of mathematics mastery.’ This is because ‘school leaders have high expectations of what pupils can achieve and they pursue this with vigour.’
Pupils were praised as being ‘real ambassadors’ for the school, keen to help and support one another' and ‘the school’s work to promote pupils’ personal development and welfare is outstanding. Pupils’ attitudes to learning are very strong. They have a strong sense of right and wrong and appreciate each other’s success. Kindness and tolerance are promoted.'
Inspectors noted that ‘Parents are overwhelmingly positive about the high standards of behaviour at the school.’
Mrs MacDonald said:
‘We, as a staff, are very pleased with this Inspection report which has highlighted the school’s strengths in key areas of early years provision, the personal development of pupils and school leadership. To achieve outstanding judgements in these three categories and good in the other two is extremely encouraging.
‘We are very proud that our pupils’ positive attitudes, both towards their learning and each other, is evident, as is our teachers’ knowledge of the pupils which is crucial in order to give them the best possible outcomes. The expertise and enthusiasm of our fantastic teaching team, along with the support of parents, governors and the Brooke Weston Trust, gives us a very firm foundation to build upon. We look forward to the next exciting phase in the development of Gretton Primary Academy.’