‘Leaders hold the interests of pupils at the heart of all they do’ at Kettering Science Academy
Leaders at Kettering Science Academy ‘hold the interests of pupils at the heart of all they do’ according to its latest report by Ofsted. It noted that ‘Relationships between staff and pupils are positive and pupils’ well-being is promoted throughout all aspects of school life.’
Although the report highlights areas for improvement, it noted that teaching, learning and assessment, have improved. It said: ‘Leaders have a realistic view of the school’s weaknesses and are taking effective action to bring about improvements to many aspects of the school.’
In addition, the Governors and The Brooke Weston Trust are supportive and challenging: ‘Both are committed to improving standards in the school and are passionate about supporting pupils’ achievements and personal developments.’
‘Leaders, supported by the Trust, have undertaken considerable work to improve attendance’ and as a result the whole school attendance figures are above the national average. In addition ‘behaviour has improved considerably’ and the arrangements for safeguarding are effective; bullying is rare and pastoral support is ‘a strength of the school.’
A new curriculum has been introduced to support children’s progress and Ofsted found: ‘Leaders took the decision to focus, initially, on improving pupils’ outcomes in English and mathematics. In these subjects pupils’ progress has steadily improved’ and there has been improved progress ‘particularly for the most able pupils’ due to ‘improved leadership, raised expectations and stronger teaching in these areas.’
The school offers a ‘wide range of extra-curricular activities which provide enriching experiences’ and ‘leaders promote achievement in a range of creative subjects, for example, performance arts and music. Pupils make good progress in these areas.’
In the Sixth Form ‘students’ progress in academic subjects is improving’ and ‘leaders are aspirational for students’ future success and progression. The school provides good support and advice’ and ‘students are positive about their futures’ and the proportion of those who progress to higher education, employment or training is above the national average.’
Leaders have improved communication with parents and ‘the vast majority of parents, who made their views known to inspectors, recognise and appreciate the improvements that have been made.’
Principal Paul Davies said: ‘This report shows that interventions that we have put in place so far are yielding results. Behaviour and attendance are improving, students feel safe at school and parents can see that we are putting strategies and staffing in place to ensure that we continue to improve. The support of The Brooke Weston Trust is invaluable and we have a shared vision for this school, to provide the best education possible for each of our students.'
The full report can be accessed here