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New Head Boy and Head Girl for TCA

Congratulations to Akshay Kishor and Elizabeth Baker, who have been named as Thomas Clarkson Academy's Head Boy and Head Girl for this year.

Akshay has just begun Year 12 after achieving 11 A*-C grade GCSEs, including A*s in biology, chemistry, physics and maths. He is studying the three sciences and maths at A level and aims to go to University to study one of the sciences after Sixth Form.

Elizabeth, who is in year 13, is studying sociology, English and media at A Level and aims to go to University to study fashion journalism when she finishes Sixth Form.

Akshay said: “I always wanted to be Head Boy and to help make the school the best it can be for the students so they can have the best possible experience at Thomas Clarkson. I’m really pleased to become Head Boy and I’m looking forward to getting started.”

Elizabeth said: “I saw the poster and thought I would apply because I thought it would be a good experience. When I was in lower school we didn’t have Head Boys and Girls so I wanted to apply now that the role is there.

“I’m looking forward to running meetings with staff and the student councils.”

In their new roles, Akshay and Elizabeth will represent student voice within the Academy. They will meet with our student councils and will meet with Principal Clare Claxton and the senior leadership team on a regular basis.

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