Great start for youngsters at Peckover Pre-school
Peckover Primary’s brand new pre-school has got off to a great start with ‘happy children and happy parents’ according to its manager, Sam McGovern.
The new provision, which boasts natural wood fixtures and free-flowing learning zones plus a large outside play area, creates a seamless transition from pre-school to primary education as both buildings share the same site. It means younger children can be dropped off with their school-aged siblings and it helps children to settle into a vibrant learning environment from an early age.
The focus from the start has been to ensure that the children are happy and confident, getting to know each other and the team of experienced staff.
Sam said: ‘It has been a very good start-up, we have happy children and happy parents. We have different zoned areas and the learning is very child-led so they can choose which activities to do. We meet up for group times, which are more focused, and also sit together at mealtimes. The children have a healthy mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack and can also have a cooked dinner if they stay all day. Already in the first few weeks they are eating amazingly well, and trying things their parents say they wouldn’t normally eat because they are serving themselves and socialising with their friends.
‘We got together as a team to decide on our resources and what the children would need, however we have tweaked quite a lot over the last few weeks as we have got to know our children and their likes and dislikes. We transformed the pre-school from an empty room to an exciting base with different areas depending on whether the children want to be creative, imaginative or want to do a quiet activity.’
‘We are still developing it and are very pleased with it. We think the free-flowing space is an advantage as they can move between activities easily. We couldn’t have wished for a better start for Peckover Pre-school and, in turn, we are giving our children the best start that we possibly can.
We are looking forward to our official opening on 2 October when those involved in the build project and from the local community can see the finished pre-school for themselves.'
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