Peckover Primary School named in top ten of Cambridgeshire primaries
Peckover Primary School is in the top ten highest performing primary schools in Cambridgeshire, according to the Real Schools Guide 2020.
The guide aims to give a far more comprehensive picture than traditional league tables. It takes into account 45 different factors including KS2 results, progress, pupil-teacher ratios and absence rates.
It covers the most recent 2019 KS2 results to give parents the latest information about how primary schools are doing across the UK, and which ones are showing the best performance.
The figures showed that Peckover Primary is ranked ninth out of 188 primary schools in Cambridgeshire and is also reported to be in the top 6% of schools for performance.
Principal Carrie Norman said: ‘I am delighted with this report which takes into account not only the headline attainment figures, but also other measures including progress across the school from each individual child’s starting point. We are a warm and inclusive school and we are delighted to have made the top ten. I want to thank our dedicated staff, wonderful children and supportive parents for a real team effort.'
To read the Cambridge News article click here.
To read the article in the Wisbech Standard click here.