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CTS runs anti-bullying activities

Corby Technical School ran an action-packed week of anti-bullying activities to co-ordinate with a national initiative to raise awareness of the issue.

The event started last Monday with a school-wide introduction for students. They then took part in activities in tutor time each day including ‘How to be an ‘upstander’’ as well as a discussion on banter. Towards the end of the week each student created their own ‘kindness pledge’ where they made a promise of a positive action they would take. These were designed as puzzle pieces that were then joined together to reflect the theme of ‘United against bullying’.  Finally, the week ended with odd socks day, a session on ‘how to be kind’ and students being encouraged to participate in random acts of kindness.

Ben Armstrong, Assistant Principal for Behaviour and Attitudes said: ‘This was a very positive week at Corby Technical School where students across the whole school were actively involved in anti-bullying and kindness activities with consistent themes, but designed for their aged group. We take anti-bullying issues very seriously, and this was a week to reflect on how we can all take responsibility for ensuring our school is a welcoming and friendly place for students and staff alike. The students engaged very well with the activities which sparked a great deal of debate, creativity and original thinking. Some of the kindness pledges were incredibly inventive and touching. Thanks to everyone who got involved and who reacted to the spirit of the week with such maturity and understanding.’

To see a gallery of photographs click here.

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