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Beanfield Primary School boosts cricket culture in the community

Beanfield Primary School, in Corby, has been providing opportunities for its pupils to engage in cricket, leading to a positive impact among the local cricket-playing community.

The Government recently announced an investment of £35 million in grassroots cricket facilities and widening access to the sport within state schools.

Beanfield Primary School, part of Brooke Weston Trust, has worked with Stewarts & Lloyds Corby Cricket Club for a number of years, offering pupils the opportunity to participate in free Cricket sessions. Throughout the summer, children are able to attend the cricket club and engage in both All Star and Dynamo programmes.

This initiative has proven to be highly successful, resulting in a significant uptake in pupils taking part. Each year, around 20 children attend the sessions, with some managing to take their newfound interest further by representing the Club at Under 11 level. The increase in demand has also seen a Girls team be newly formed.

A parent, whose son now plays for Dynamos, said: “Beanfield has supported my son by providing him a wonderful opportunity to join Dynamos. The school has helped nurture his passion for cricket and develop valuable skills both on and off the field.”

Sam Eathorne, Principal at Beanfield Primary School, added: ”We have been providing children the opportunity to take part in free cricket sessions with S&L cricket Club for the past few years.”

“I feel it is important to enrich children’s experiences by allowing them to try new sports. It has been lovely to see some of the children come from never playing cricket before to now playing at league level for the club.”

Liam McGeown, from S&L Cricket Club, said: “We at S&L Corby Cricket Club are immensely proud of our ongoing partnership with Beanfield School to foster enthusiasm for Cricket among local children through our All Stars and Dynamos Cricket programmes.”

We thank Beanfield School for their invaluable support and dedication to this cause, which not only promotes Cricket, but we also hope our young participants create new friends and learn new skills that team sports can provide.”

For more information on Beanfield Primary School, please visit:

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