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Gretton Primary Academy champions road safety awareness

As part of its Road Safety Week, pupils and staff at Gretton Primary Academy in Corby took part in a community action event on Thursday, 13th June, to raise awareness about safe parking and driving through the village, particularly outside the school.

Through a series of vocal chants and eye-catching posters, the pupils aimed to encourage parents and other road users to be considerate when parking and driving near the school, which is part of the Brooke Weston Trust.

Parking outside the school during the morning drop-off and afternoon collection times is particularly busy, often making it difficult for children and parents to safely cross Kirby Road, where the school is located, due to vehicles parked on pavements.

To add weight to their protest, staff and children were joined by PC George Smith from the Corby Neighbourhood Policing Team. PC Smith remarked, “Hopefully, hearing these messages directly from children will encourage parents and other road users to think more carefully and considerately about how they drive and park near the school.”

Principal Julia Dickinson expressed pride in the pupils’ dedication to improving road safety. “We are so proud of the children’s commitment to improving road safety outside the school. School Council members came up with the idea of holding a protest, and we were excited by the idea of taking our message out on the streets. It was great to see cars visibly slowing down as they heard the chants, and the children really felt they had made a difference.”

Tina Kemp, who leads the School Council, highlighted the pupils' enthusiasm. “The minute the village Parish Council asked children for their ideas, they were raring to go, coming up with lots of creative suggestions. The children are really committed to supporting their community, and we learn about how we can be active citizens in our PSHE lessons. This protest was all their idea, and they definitely gave it their all out there!”

The children’s efforts have clearly made an impact, with several parents noting that their children have shared the safe driving and parking message at home.

Ava, a Year 2 pupil who participated in the protest, said, “Lots of people park and drive unsafely outside school, which makes children feel unsafe crossing the road as they might get hurt. Our protest made people slow down and realise that they have to be careful when they are parking.”

For more information about Gretton Primary Academy, please visit:



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