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Introducing Matthew Dobbing, the new Associate Principal of Thomas Clarkson Academy

Matthew Dobbing is a dedicated educational leader with a wealth of experience in teaching and school leadership. His journey has been characterised by a strong commitment to working with young people and communities from disadvantaged areas, which has been a core motivating strand throughout his career. We caught up with Matthew to learn more about his career path and his vision for this new role...

Matthew, can you give us a brief overview of your career and how your background has shaped your journey?

I grew up and was educated in Hackney, East London. I started my teaching career in 2000 in London, where I held various leadership positions, including subject lead and pastoral lead at Northolt High School and Brentside High School. In these roles, I took the lead on whole school assessment and the development of IT in education.

In 2017, looking for more space for my large family, I moved out of London and joined the Brooke Weston Trust at Thomas Clarkson Academy. My initial role was Assistant Principal responsible for Key Stage 3 and Assessment. I was promoted to Senior Vice Principal and now to Associate Principal.

How have your qualifications influenced your career progression?

I hold a BA in Geography from the University of Leeds and a PGCE in Geography and IT. I also have a master’s degree in education with a focus on leading and managing innovation and change. The Trust supported my professional development by sponsoring me through the NPQH qualification with the Ambition Institute, which has been invaluable as I step into my first headship.

How do you feel about stepping into the role of Associate Principal at Thomas Clarkson Academy?

I am delighted to have this opportunity! It allows me to continue working to ensure every single child at the academy has the best possible chance to succeed. This role aligns perfectly with my belief that a school is part of and serves its local community. As educators, we have a moral imperative to insist on the absolute best for our students.

What inspired you to apply for this position?

The role of Principal attracted me because it gives me the chance to work with a Trust and lead an Academy that align with my beliefs about education. Whilst all of the Trust’s values resonate with me, it is the 'High Expectations' built on 'Excellent Teaching and Support' that I believe are the pillars of a fantastic education.

I have an absolute belief that our students can go anywhere in the world, do anything, with anyone, and proudly compete with the best. Every day I have worked with our students has deepened this belief, and I am humbled and proud to have been given the opportunity to lead Thomas Clarkson Academy as we ensure this is the case.

What are your top priorities as you begin your role at Thomas Clarkson Academy?

  • Quality of Teaching and Learning: Front and centre is that what happens in every minute of every lesson is the key to success. We serve a complex, challenging, and rewarding group of young people. Ensuring high-quality learning in and out of school through a well-organised curriculum gives our learners the best chance of success.
  • Evidence-Informed Practice: To ensure what we are doing is in line with best practice nationally and internationally, we will continue to develop a culture of evidence-informed practice shaping our curriculum.
  • ‘I am TCA’: This is our community mantra that underpins the culture of our school. Continuing to champion our respect and support for each other so that staff and students know that we are a community committed to and caring deeply about each other will remain a focus.
  • Lifelong Learning: Developing a culture where young people engage with and understand how they learn is an area we will focus on, alongside subject content. This will ensure they have the tools to be successful with whatever a changing world throws up.

What specific challenge in this role are you most excited about?

The challenge I am most excited about is bringing together the many different strands of excellence so that they each amplify the others, as opposed to distorting them. This fine balancing act is integral to a fast-improving school.

What are some of your interests and hobbies outside of work?

Outside of work, I spend time being a dad, and seeing my own children grow and develop is a joy, even if, like all families, the path can occasionally be bumpy! I follow technology and environmental sustainability issues closely, as they infused my own educational pathway. I'm also a fan of basketball and follow it closely - my height was an asset when I was younger! And of course, I am a lifelong Arsenal fan, a hobby that seems to bring both elation and despair in equal measure.

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