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CTS students watch hard-hitting drama

Year 9 and 10 students at Corby Technical School watched thought-provoking drama, ‘The Buzzed’ that highlights mental health issues and the dangers of drugs.

The play was performed by students from Northampton College, who, along with their tutor, Helen Coope, are touring it around local schools. It is being performed as part of ‘Talk Out Loud’ initiative, the county mental health provision, which is run in conjunction with the NHS and County Council.

The play, which lasted about 50 minutes, has been running for the past 17 years, although it is heavily reworked and adapted for a different audience each year, highlighting a different aspect of mental health.   

Tess Parkinson from Talk Out Loud said: ‘It is the story of four Charlottes and this time the emphasis has changed towards Charlotte’s mental health and the effect that taking drugs has had on her. The play gives students a hard hitting message and I want to emphasise the importance of talking to people if they need help with any topics that the play raises.’

Drama students from Northampton College with tutor Helen Coope (front left) and Tess Parkinson from Talk out Loud (back right).


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