BWA is highest performing school in Corby on P8 measures
Brooke Weston Academy has been ranked as the fourth top performing school in Northamptonshire according to recently released Government figures. Its ‘well above average’ Progress 8 figure of 0.61 also means that it is the top performing secondary school in Corby.
The Progress 8 score tracks students to establish their level of progress, measuring their grades at the end of primary school with their GCSEs outcomes at secondary level.
Principal Pete Kirkbride said: ‘I am delighted that these figures show the excellent progress that students make in just a handful of years here. These figures are just one indication of the dedication and commitment that our staff and students put in on a daily basis and I’d like to thank each and every one for ensuring that we have maintained our reputation, both locally and countywide as one of the top schools for student progress and outcomes.’