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Year 7s design futuristic powered cars

Year 7 scientists at Corby Business Academy designed and built futuristic model cars during a topic about alternative forms of energy. The students discussed each energy source before drawing up plans and constructing their final models, with a list of pros and cons for their choice.

Teacher Brian Van Niekerk said: ‘This was a project that really captured their imaginations and they worked very well in their teams to come up with futuristic and inventive designs recycling materials including plastics, paper, wood and cardboard into their prototypes. The students got to grips with different forms of energy, including solar, biomass, wind, tidal and nuclear and the eventual winner used wind power. The runners up were nuclear and solar powered and each car incorporated interesting design features, including one which made use of dual fuels.

'They were judged on the planning, and design process along with ingenuity and it gave the students the opportunity to understand which form of energy was most appropriate to use in different situations.’ 

To see more pictures click  here.

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