CTS runs successful Teen Triple P programme
There has been positive feedback on an innovative course at Corby Technical School, which has given families lots of strategies, support and ideas on parenting teenagers.
The Teen Triple P Positive Parenting programme, is designed to encourage appropriate behaviour, manage problem behaviour and set boundaries and expectations.
The course consists of four group sessions, telephone consultations and a final session to review progress made and set new goals. It was facilitated by Kim Hegarty, Parent Support Coordinator and Helen Marshall, Practitioner, both from the Targeted Support Service.
Kim said: ‘We talk about managing risky behaviour, dealing with emotional behaviour, behaviour contracts, family meetings, logical consequences and appropriate rewards for positive behaviour. One of the techniques, that is especially good with teenagers is, is the stop technique of managing emotional situations, enabling parents and young people the opportunity to have ‘time away’ from situations where emotions are running high.’
One of the parents said: ‘I have been to all of the sessions. This is the third parenting programme that I have done and this one has definitely helped me more with strategies for my child. The strategies are better and the Stop Technique definitely works. Things don’t get out of hand as much and everything is a bit calmer. I would definitely recommend the programme and the group has been really supportive. It has been a good group.’
Another added: ‘As I am on my own with my children and working a lot, this programme opened my eyes and I am more confident in myself now. This programme has helped me a lot with establishing rules and routines at home.’
Emma Toye, CTS’s Education Welfare Officer said: ‘It has been a pleasure to hold the Triple P programme on behalf of the Local Authority. As a school CTS values the input of parents so, by connecting home and school, we celebrate our community of learning and increase opportunities for all.’